Objective lens

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100X HR Long Working Distance Objective Lenses

Product: 100X HR Long Working Distance Objective Lenses


Overview Specification Test Data Other Datasheet

TuoTuo Technology provides high quality microscope objective lens, which have large field of view, extremely low optical distortion and long working distance. To match with more dedicate applications in microfabrication and characterization, Distinguished versions with super long (SL series) working distance and high numeric aperture (HR series) are designed for selected magnification.

>>Key specifications


>>Technical drawing


Introduction to microscope objectivimage.png

Parfocal length:Distance from the shoulder of the objective to the focal plane. Objectives with the same parfocal length can be mounted on a turret to change the magnification of the image while keeping the sample at the focal plane when switching objectives.
5x/0.14: Magnification/Numerical aperture. Magnification refers to the ratio of the image to object size when paired with the tube lens designed for the objective. Numerical aperture determines how small a light spot can be focused by the objective and how much light from the focal plane can be collected by the objective. A larger numerical aperture can collect more light and achieve a tighter focus at the same time.
M-Plan APO: These are shorthand that refers to the different optical aberration correction. Field curvature correction is represented by Plan while Apo represents Apochromat which has better chromatic aberration correction compared to Achro or Achromat.
The following table explains some of the commonly found shorthand.


∞/0:Infinite conjugate/cover slip thickness. Infinite conjugate means that when an object is placed at the focal plane of the objective, the image is formed at infinity i.e. reflected light collected by the objective is collimated. Usually when imaging biological samples, a piece of cover glass is placed on top of the sample. This number represents the thickness of the cover glass (in mm) to be used with the objective for optimal aberration correction.
f = 200: Focal length of tubeac lens (200 mm in this case) to be used together with objective to achieve the stated magnification. If a lens of different focal length is used, the magnification will change according to the ratio of the focal length of this lens and f.
Working distance: Distance between objective front lens and the top of the cover glass in mm.

What is Chromatic aberration: In imaging applications, lenses are used to focus the reflected light off an object onto an imaging sensor to form an image. However, due to the spherical design of typical lens and dispersion relation, light spot focused by the lens are bigger than the theoretical smallest spot size. This causes the light to be spread out instead of focused which forms a blurred image on the imaging sensor. This spread of light is called optical aberration and multiple optical aberrations can be present in a system if these aberrations are not
taken into account during optical design of the system. For instance, in color vision applications, the imaging systems have to focus light of different wavelength on the same plane to get a sharp image. However, light of different wavelengths bend at different angles in the lens since the refractive index depends on the wavelength. This causes light of different wavelength to be focused at different points in the axial direction as shown in the figure below and this is known as chromatic aberration


Infinite and finite conjugate objective lens: Microscope objective is a set of lenses that are specifically designed to reduce optical aberrations which are crucial in high performance applications where image quality is pivotal. Modern objectives are usually infinite conjugate objectives as opposed to finite conjugate objectives used in older microscopes. Infinite conjugate objective means that when an object is placed at the working distance of the objective, the light that is reflected off the object is collimated by the objective as shown in the left figure below. This is usually more useful than finite conjugate objectives since the detector can be placed at any distance from the objective which allows different optics to be inserted in the optical path for different measurements simultaneously as depicted in the right figure below. Since the light reflected off the object is collimated, another lens (referred to as tube lens) is required to focus the light to generate an image. The tube lens used in TuoTuo Technology microscope objectives are listed in the specification sheets of the objectives. The magnification on the objectives refer to the image magnification using the specified tube lens.


>>Why choose our objective lens with 95mm parfocal distance

Our 95 mm series is a family of microscope objectives with a parfocal length of 95 mm. Having a long parfocal length means that the working distance of the objective can be extended compared to conventional objective and this also the reason our 95 mm series are bigger than conventional objectives. There are two variants of objectives in this series: the high resolution (HR variant) and super long (SL variant) working distance objectives. The HR objectives support a higher numerical aperture allowing a tighter focus and a wider collection angle suitable for applications that requires high image quality like machine vision. The SL objectives are designed with very long working distance, comparing with conventional objectives with the same magnifications, the working distance of our SL objectives can be 10x longer. Having long working distance is important for applications where the objectives cannot be close to the objects e.g. wire bond inspection. Additionally, our objectives are the only non-magnetic objectives in the market. Non-magnetic objective allows microscopy to be extended to magnetic measurement domain which opens up a wide avenue of new applications like spatially resolved Kerr measurements. Coupled with high resolution (large numerical aperture) or super long working distance, the objectives in this series would meet the requirements of most measurements.

For customers with existing TuoTuo Technology systems, the objectives can be integrated with these systems for added functionality. For instance, in our standard photocurrent microscopy system, it can be paired with a long working distance objective from our SL series to support low temperature photocurrent measurement, whereas the HR objective lens can be used in our Kerr Microscope systems to achieve high resolution in-plane domain wall imaging.

High price-performance ratio

Finally, TuoTuo Technology believes in providing affordable solution for our customers. Therefore, our microscope objectives are generally cheaper than similar products in the market by around 30%. This allows us to provide affordable and high-performance solution for our customers.

Recommended combination 1


Recommended combination 2


  • 1.显微镜主体 *
  • 2.光电屏蔽外壳 *
  • 3.激光整合模块 *
  • 4.激光模块 *
  • 5.探测模块(多选) *
  • 6.运动台模块(多选) *
  • 7.光电流/电输运测试模块(多选) *
  • 8.软件模块 *
  • 9.光学平台 *
  • 10.低温模块 *
  • 11.磁场模块 *
  • 12.需要搭配的电测模块(如Keithley电表、Keysight电表、SRS电表、Picoscope电表等)
  • 13.姓名 *
  • 14.单位 *
  • 15.联系电话 *
  • 16.邮箱 *
  • 17.应用方向及留言 *
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